How to install Blocksy theme

Method 1 – From WordPress theme search directory

  1. Login to your WordPress website
  2. Click on Appearance and then on Themes
  3. Click on Add New button
  4. In the Search Themes field type Blocksy
  5. Click on the Install button
  6. Activate the theme by clicking on Activate button

Method 2 – Manual upload

  1. Download the installation file from here by clicking the Download button
  2. Login to your WordPress website and go to Appearance → Themes
  3. Click on Add New button and then on Upload Theme button
  4. Chose the .zip file you downloaded earlier (in step #1)
  5. Click on Install Now button
  6. After the theme is installed, click on Activate button

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and activated Blocksy WordPress theme.